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Featuring: Nerd Brockton Massachusetts - Signup to Our 100% Free Site Today!

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A linguist in NYC looking for a partner

Age 39 From New York, New York - Online Now
Woman Seeking A Man (1294 Miles Away)

I work as an adjunct professor at NYU and as a linguistic consultant for tech companies. I was in grad school for a long time and finally escaped - so I'm using this time to improve myself and get the rest of what I want out of life - like a smart...

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Roll for initiative

Age 32 From Brisbane, Australia - Online Now
Woman Seeking A Man (8343 Miles Away)

Well, where do I begin? I’m a freelance graphic designer with a diploma and I draw stuff-mostly my dnd character recreating memes. I am part of an online DnD group with a few gaming buddies in America, but I would gladly join your table if you need a...

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It's life Jim, but not as we know it

Age 50 From Kitchener, Ontario - Online Now
Woman Seeking A Man (989 Miles Away)

Wee, wide, Scottish sounding heathen wench searching for her scruffy looking nerfherder.

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Ciao a tutti, cerco una storia seria.

Age 33 From Roma, Italy - Online Yesterday
Woman Seeking A Man (5405 Miles Away)

Ciao a tutti e piacere di conoscervi! :) sono Giulia, ho 30 anni e sono di Roma. Sono una studentessa universitaria al penultimo anno di mediazione linguistica. Nella vita sono appassionata di lingue, culture orientali, anime, uncinetto , lettura, e...

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Ventiduenne impacciata ed introversa :)

Age 26 From Torino, Italy - Online Today
Woman Seeking A Man (5080 Miles Away)

Mi chiamo Isabella Sara, ho 22 anni e frequento la triennale di scrittura alla scuola Holden. Nata a Londra con padre americano e madre italiana, sono madrelingua sia inglese, sia italiano. Sin da piccola sono appassionata di videogiochi, Magic the...

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Great Chatroom for Nerd Brockton Massachusetts!

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